Well - check out this so so sad video. So sad I have no idea how the woman kept a straight face.
If you really listen to the news you will hear two sides of this whole Union story. The protesters are saying "Walker has no right to take away our right to negotiate" we never had a chance to offer alternatives in which Walker counters "Public employees do not want to help foot the bill they are "sucking off the state teat"(for Politicians overspending).
It's not about the money at all. It's the fact that Walker wants to do away with Unions completely - NOT just Public Employee unions but Private.
But Walker wants to make HIS employees the bad guy. OH he is "just trying to save the State"! Of course the State could make a HUGE amount of money (billions)if they raised the beer tax from $2 to $3 per barrels, it's been $2 since the 1960's. Most States are in the $15 range. BUT he has made it illegal to raise tax's (bill signed last week)with out a super majority.
Walker has already hired an Iowa group to run the prisons for the coming strike, and what I had heard was he was surprised that PRIVATE unions are on the public side. Only the Police and Fire Departments (how gave to his campaign)got off scott free**.
**Scott Free comes from an Old English word "sceot," meaning a tax or penalty.
His playbook is from his buddy, the Governor of Louisiana who abolished THEIR unions.
There are a few Republicans sitting on the fence but they are being threatened by Tea Partiers, vote or we will run against you!
Today the Joint House Finance Committee votes (8 Republicans 4 Democrats), The Assembly votes tomorrow but that is a rubber stamp and then the Senate Thursday which there is SOME hope as some republicans have prisons in their district and they KNOW they will loose office if they go with Herr Walker.
This is JUST the tip of the iceberg - if this passes I expect the worse is yet to come. Walker BASICALLY wants to privatize Government! This effects 160,000 public servants.
If you want to talk $$ - Public Servants make 5% less then private sector but get NO extras (no Christmas bonus, no cost of living adjustments no training and we work on inferior equipment and so forth). Walker feeds of peoples hatred for the Government by telling citizens that we are the problem.
I used to be proud to be a State Employee, I felt I was helping the citizens of Wisconsin, no more, I'm embarrassed and people hate us! How would you like to go to work every day knowing that the Governor and even your acquaintances believe you're just a lazy worker not worth paying for.
The guy is a loose cannon and can not be recalled for 1 year! Walker is feeding of public ignorance.
nuff said!
LOL - I just got an email "I am writing to let you know that I have decided to retire and that my last day in the office will be tomorrow, February 15th. "
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