Peyton Manning was declared the leagues Most Valuable Player even though he has not played a down this year.
As I wait for my new monitor I fear working on more photographs - HOWEVER - I was contacted from a couple in Green Bay looking for photos of Curly at Lambeau Field. I explained that I tried but could not get anything I really really loved - Curly has a weird background. BUT - I started working once again on the subject. Here is my latest effort.
In the same folder were the shots of Hyde's Mill and since Sweet Lips Gallery asked about perhaps a color rendition of the mill I went back to work to see if I could come up with anything.
Since the colors were not outstanding I went for a more gritty look. hmmmmm this actually looks a little duller on the monitors at work hmmmmm.
Speaking of work - I put my stool sample on my bosses desk today - was not sure where I was suppose to drop it off. I heard something about that on TV - not really sure who it was meant for but I wanted to make sure I was up to code. . . . . I hope he does not mind. Was I suppose to label it?
Got my 401K (deferred comp) quarterly report today - OUCH. Biggest dollar lost ever - BUT - not even close to biggest percentage loss. Biggest percent lose since the 1st quarter of 2009 but still 35% LESS then a couple quarters in 2003.
Still - October has been wonderful (up 9% so far) so it's all good. No worries.
Ever think Republicans don't want the economy to get better? Pretty obvious to me and I TRY to sit near the center. I keep seeing Facebook "friends" complaining that Obama is not doing anything to help the economy . . .wait . . . .isn't the Republican run House and or Senate stopping everything Obama tries to do? so nothing gets done?
Remember - they were the ones that felt doing nothing was the perfect answer when the American economy was truly tanking.
If you a chance to see the encore presentation watch "Once Upon A Time" Very very intriguing. From the creators of LOST. BTW - did you guys watching the show see all of the LOST connections? The time on to clock tower? 8:15 - same as the doomed flight in LOST. The smoke monster? Regina's address number of her home (108, appearing everywhere in LOST), the Geranimo Jackson bumper sticker?
I really liked the show - Premise - All of the fairy tale characters we remember are real. They lived in a far off land until an Evil Queen placed a curse upon them all; trapping them in our world as they live mundane lives for all of eternity. Only the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming can lift the curse and save the day. Too bad she doesn't believe in fairy tales...
Lots of flash backs to Fairy Tail time and flash forwards to our time.
Hey - stating the obvious here but Aaron Roger's quarterback play this year is SICK. First time in NFL history that a QB has had 7 straight games above a 110 QB rating. He leads the NFL in TDs and polls are asking "Who is the 2nd best team in the NFL" and no one is even questioning who the best team is.
Brett Favre was heard saying he is surprised Rogers did not have 7 in a row before now!
Baseball game last night? Well - seems the phones rang in the Cards bullpen but no one heard them (seriously !!!) then when the phone was answered they got the wrong guy up in the bullpen. So when LaRussa goes to change pitchers - THE WRONG GUY COMES OUT!!! LOL Technology - FAIL OOPS
The 8th inning last night was one of the most mismanaged innings in world series history!! Totally FUBR I think Tony is going to have a stroke soon! I mean Tony says "What are you doing here" when he calls the wrong pitcher from the bullpen?
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