Monday, February 28, 2011
Chipping Sparrows are the new Scott Walker - BULLY
Posted on 7:50 AM by Unknown
Elwood was over this weekend and we were standing on top of the snow in the backyard discussing this summers projects. Milo our cat was outside and he had positioned himself next the to birch trees and was "blending in" just a few yards from the bird feeder.
Every 20 minutes or so a flock of Chipping Sparrows would gather on a tree and they would slowly move forward until they were all massing under the bird feeder! OH - Milo was ready! He was licking his chops!
But the birds had spotted him, you could see it, they seem to be discussing what to do next. Then what happened was awesome.
One bird, like a little kamikaze came flying at full speed right at Milo, he was like a bullet! At the very last second Milo puts up a paw to guard himself from being hit and the bird wings away.
Then five little birds fly his direction and perch out of reach. Milo retreats with haste to the safety of the edge of the house. The birds post a perimeter around the bird feeder in full military fashion and the rest come in and feed.
Elwood and I talk about this and he finishes his cigarette and we decide to go in. About 5 seconds before we head to the house the birds all take off with 10 buzzing US!!! We laugh, turn around to go in and Milo sees that THE BIRDS SCARED THE HUMANS! And RUNS to come in with us!
ETF reported that that
Fantastic turnout this past weekend and the world it seems are very proud of the Wisconsin middle class workers. Ian Pizza now has had donations from 60 countries and all the States!
It's too bad 50% of our teachers will be laid off and school will become 4 day weeks PLUS the remaining teachers will get a 20% pay decrease! Seems fair. Black and White, fix the faux budget problems. OH - don't forget Medicaid will be gutted and Special Education is on the chopping block! After all - those children with special needs use up a LOT of money and are a very small minority. Black and White.
As Walker says - you are either with me or against me! We must get rid of the teachers in order to save Wisconsin! After all - Wisconsin is ranked #2 in America in Education. Why not save the budget and be 25th instead. We will still be average and average is good!
Walker had a solid 2.59 grade point average in High School (his highest education). You certainly don't need brains to succeed so why even bother with having good schools!
As many of you have seen in the past few weeks - arguing with right wing Tea Partyers who listen to FOX is pointless. They see the world in Black and White. They see the Wisconsin 14 as not playing by the rules but they do not see that in the last few years Republicans have not been playign by the rules either. In fact the Republicans are BREAKING the rules. So now - when the Wisconsin 14 went to Illinois in a perfectly legal manner, they cry foul.
What get's me is when a teacher does not get upset that Walker is going to get rid of supplemental Special Education funds and will fire 50% of the teachers! He is spitting on teachers, he could care less about students. I had assumed that teachers were the ones that were open minded but is seems there a few that are brain washed by the pretty FOX News colors.
And don't get me started on FOX - wow - last night was classic FOX news reporting. A news dude in a big winter coat literally get's TOUCHED by a protester - eye witnesses tweeted about it. Within minutes FOX is reporting that their correspondent was being punched. "Be careful, it's getting pretty aggressive in Madison".
Thankfully the reported backed off a little and down played it but FOX NEWS was then all over the violence going on inside the rotunda!
Anybody that watches FOX news is totally 100% clueless over what the real world is like.
Don't argue with anybody that watches FOX news, you can't win, it's too late. They have been brainwashed and like the pretty colors, never mind that EVERY major news organization in the WORLD says that FOX is pure propaganda. Nuff said - preaching to the choir!
Don't argue with Tea Baggers - it's a waste of time. Republicans - totally different, true republicans are good to talk to - they understand that what Walker is doing is just being a bully with an agenda which has nothing to do with the budget of the people of Wisconsin. I'm glad REAL Republicans are coming to our side.
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