Who knew three years ago that my blog Public Enemies would have double meaning. BTW - I have blogged the last few days so if you are just looking you have missed a lot this weekend.
A few interesting tidbits about today's protest.
The big Tea Party counter rally was a tremendous bust as only 2000 (if that) showed up compared to 68,000 union, private and public workers were on hand.
The event was very peaceful, or as peaceful as 68,000 people can be.
From the Madison Police Department
On behalf of all the law enforcement agencies that helped keep the peace on the Capitol Square Saturday, a very sincere thank you to all of those who showed up to exercise their First Amendment rights. You conducted yourselves with great decorum and civility, and if the eyes of the nation were upon Wisconsin, then you have shown how democracy can flourish even amongst those who passionately disagree. As of 5:00 p.m., no major incidents had been reported. There have been no arrests. However, discourse and discussion was - at times - loud and heated. That was to be expected. As previously indicated, the goal of law enforcement has been to provide a safe environment for democracy to take place. That goal has been realized for yet another day.
Ians Pizza located on State Street stopped making pizza for personal orders as orders from 35 States and 5 Countries including Egypt, Korea, and Canada... were being phoned in. People were ordering pizza and just saying, "please deliver the pizza to the protesters and say Thank You!
I saw pizza being handed out!
Speaking of Egypt - this was spotted in the 1 week celebration of Egypt's freedom from oppression!
The rally in Wisconsin was seen on Russian Television! Can you believe that? The world is watching Madison!
So you think you are energized?
I was at the rally today with my buddy Elweed. As you know he has a social anxiety disorder, he is the king of apathy and has never voted, EVER, he is very anti social he did not even do income taxes until a few years ago (he got caught up).
He called me Friday night and was excited as he works as a night janitor near the square. He asked if I had been following what was happening (he does not read the blog). I said yes, very much and he asked questions and was extremely interested.
We went to the rally and once we got back to his place and cracked open a beer he said. "I have never been this energized, I can not WAIT to vote! I'm going to register and I am actually going to vote".
I was "talking" to a teacher who was opposed to having school out and thought it was a crime. "The students are not learning if they are not in school".
I said - to be perfectly honest MOST students will grow up and be your average wage earner and have a family and live a happy life. HOWEVER - maybe one of the students will see what is happening, see the excitement of the adults, perhaps seeing a side of their parents they have never seen before. Parents who are voicing their opinion and MAYBE, it will create spark of energy in that kid that was not there before.
MAYBE that spark will grow and grow and the student will grow and become an extraordinary person. All it takes is a spark, look at what happened to Elweed. This is an opportunity that comes along once in a lifetime, this is a very very special moment in history.
I understand how a teacher can be conflicted, but this is such an outstanding real world learning experience. Having a child out of school for a few weeks out of 17 YEARS is not going to cause that much harm.
I have a coworker who I'm sure we drive CRAZY because she has voted straight Republican all her life except once. She told me Thursday that she did not vote for Walker and she is SO angry at this whole mess that she will never vote Republican again!
This photo seems to be striking a chord on a few major Facebook pages. I took it a few minutes after losing Elweed in the crowd - never did find him again. Met up at the car about an hour later. it was THAT crowded!
Spotted Bob Woodriff from ABC - remember he was the one that was critically injured by road side bomb in Iraq.
It was pretty packed on the square - didn't even attempt to get inside the capitol!
This YouTube video comes from New York City. The held a rally for us.
Just to add a little humor - this is pretty good!
Scott walker, played by Hitler
People are telling protesters to bring shovels tomorrow - gonna be nasty. Heavy snow, then melting and freezing rain and then snow again!
Monday big rally with Rage Against the Machine and another band. Forced furlough day for State Workers and Fed Holiday.
I'll mention the Koch Brothers who are behind all of this BS in an upcoming blog. From Forbes Friday.
The Americans for Prosperity group, a Tea Party group that is a Koch Brothers front, has put up a website and petition called www.standwithwalker.com. The website attacks all collective bargaining – not just for public employees’ unions. Americans for Prosperity is also organizing a rally tomorrow in Wisconsin to support Gov. Walker.
Hmmmm - THUD
You know, "at the moment" we are winning the battles! "We" have put off the Senate vote until who knows, the Assembly vote that was basically a rubber stamp no brainer is on hold at least until Tuesday, Walker is DEFENDING himself and his words are now looking more and more ridicules and people are noticing. The World is watching.
Walker does NOT want to be where is is right now! This Cheesehead Right Wing Puppet Pharaoh is being attacked and all he has is FOX. His counter rally was a complete joke.
I saw one sign "I voted for Walker, and he spit on me".
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