I have spent most of my life being cynical about crazy theory's because normally they ARE crazy. Both right AND left are full of craziness so when these thoughts started to pop into my head a few weeks ago it sort of surprised me at how strong these ideas were taking hold. I started to do a little more research to see if I was just going a little senile . . . but . . . . . on with the blog.
WELL - now that I got callie all pissed off at me - sorry callie - you will understand where I'm coming from . . read on. - emotions run high and sometimes after dealing with people that are ALWAYS saying it's about the money when it has nothing at ALL to do with money . . . . . I reach a breaking point.
It's like one side arguing that the world is flat and the other side says no the world has oxygen!! It's like one side is purposely spreading misinformation.
I'm going to find the letter Walker sent all employees two days after he was elected - it might give you an idea of what his tiny little pea sized bully brain is doing. The union had come to an agreement with Doyle BASICALLY what the current contact says give or take a percentage point.
EXCEPT - for that TINY LITTLE - "I will bust ALL Public AND Private Unions", which basically says I will ruin the Democratic Party (without Unions the Democratic Party will disappear).
I have studied a lot of history, particularly WWII and how Germany and the Nazis and the Third Reich came to power and it is SCARY the similarities to what is happening in America! Most of the Germain people were all behind Hitler because he would get them out of their huge deficits. They loved him. Hard to believe how millions of rational, kind and gentile people can back a guy like Hitler right?
Yet there was a minority that said WAIT A MINUTE - he is taking away the rights as workers. This is dangerous. While most people behind Hitler said, Hitler will protect you, you do not need rights.
Well Hitler did take away their worker rights and created a one party system, the Nazi Party!
Seriously - the similarities are scary. You will say, WELL, that won't happen here, which is exactly what the minority of Germain people said.
OK OK - you are saying Rod is going off the deep end, there are controls that would prevent this. There are controls, but THAT is what politicians like Walker are trying to get rid of. There were controls in Germany also!
THAT is why the workers of Wisconsin are afraid. 99% don't think he is Hitler, they say Hitler slaughtered millions, it's stupid to call Walker Hitler. But Walker is acting just like Hitler when he came to power, whether you want to believe it or not this is exactly what Hitler and the Nazis did!
Fascists seek to organize a nation according to corporatist perspectives, values, and systems, including the political system and the economy.
Fascists believe that a nation is an organic community that requires strong leadership, a singular collective identity, and the will and ability to commit violence and wage war in order to keep the nation strong.
Fascists oppose liberalism
Is not Walker waging war on the Workers of Wisconsin? Do the Republicans wage war whenever there is a perceived threat? Is there way NOT to talk but to bully and be aggressive?
Now don't go all ape shit because there are many things NOT Fascists if you get REAL picky - I'm just making a point!
Anyway - let's lighten things up with some photos.
Ever wonder why SO MANY people are waving flags? It's because they are worried.
This was from inside the Capitol, decibel level was about 96 db for most of the time going up to 104 at times!
Outside - people waving flags showing that THIS is what America is all about! Ever wonder why so many signs have Walker and Hitler on the same sign?
What was so interesting with Fridays protests was how many different things were going on.
Rally's outside chanting NOT IN MY AMERICA by 20,000 people, Inside the capitol was a totally different scene with 5,000 people chanting KILL THE BILL!
I went outside to the other side of the Capitol and 3 or 4,000 people were having a different rally less organized but more talking in groups and then on the street 5,000 people marching.
It was like one giant symphony with so many moving parts, all harmonizing but all playing the same tune.
Did you hear what actually happened in Rockford? Sort of funny actually. I would LOVE to see this in a movie! The Wisconsin 14 just fleed (not a word) Wisconsin and were at the Clock Tower in Rockford. Of course the Clock Tower had no idea they were coming and were getting ready for a BOG event when all of a sudden there are helicopters and reporters all over the place and 14 Senators were were probably a little on edge as the Republicans had sent Troopers to arrest them.
A hotel official said the politicians never checked in and left around mid-afternoon. But they were there long enough for protesters to catch up with a few signs.
According to the Chicago Tribune " including one (protester) who stood in the resort’s circular entrance drive holding up a “Don’t Tread On Me” sign.
“I went up to him and said, ‘What are you doing? People are coming here for a chocolate event,’ ” said a security guard who declined to give his name.
The bartender at the hotel bar said the resort’s Irish pub was preparing for St. Patrick’s Day and had a person dressed as a leprechaun. When a TV reporter asked her if she’d talked to any of the legislators, she told him to ask the leprechaun, and the reporter swiftly chased down the costumed character.
Once the lawmakers left, locals seemed unsure where they might have sneaked off to. Some believed they were still in Rockford, but a sampling of other nearby hotels and eateries came up empty.
Nothing at the Holiday Inn. No sign of cheesehead senators at the Hilton. Big Al’s Bar wasn’t a hideout either, and the locals there seemed politely disinterested."
Anyway - Saturday this get interesting as the Tea Party arrives. This is going to get big as America has put everything on the line in Madison. Madison is the epic center and what happens here in the next 2 or 3 weeks will be history, not just Madison history but the kind of history that is mentioned in future history books (or history kindels). This is the #1 story on ALL networks and is now making news overseas.
So when some one says that a child is missing out from his classes, My God - this is history being made in front of our eyes and kids are eating this up! They are fascinated with this. They are seeing adults with true emotions, fighting for their rights! HOW can anybody say sitting in a classroom is better.
I WILL be in Madison Saturday (Sunday major Winter storm but working at Cannery) Monday forced Furlough and Fed Holiday - I'll be in Madison.
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