To answer Charlotte.
First - let's agree to disagree OK?
This whole pension thing and paying in. The State pension plan is 100% paid for by government employees. No matter what you hear - Not one penny comes from the citizens of Wisconsin. Not one penny! State employees make less money because they pay more into the pension plans. Exactly like private industry but private industry get higher pay but have poorer pension plans. I made $10 less per hour as a senior programmer in State Government then the exact same job in let's say Cuna or some other large insurance company. I made a choice, make less now for a better future because I was contribution to the pension fund.
Anybody that says we were not paying our fair share is just not telling the truth. Government employees get paid less, have less vacation time and less benefits then the same equivalent jobs in private industry. There are no Christmas parties or any parties of any kind, in 23 years I never got one year end bonus (many large companies gave out $1000 to $4000 bonuses this year). If you work 50 hours in a week you get paid for 40. I paid $200 a month for parking, how much do most people pay for parking at their job? (but that was my choice).
The problem is people compare Government employees to small business who have no benefits which is apples to oranges. If you compare a company with 30,000 employees you can not compare it to a company with 30 employees.
I golf with a Vice Principle for a school and he says what Walker is doing to education is horrific to the schools budgets. Walker believes that "average" is good enough and we can save money by being average.
And for the changes . . .what were those? I believe that Republicans are anti-change and pro failure. They don't WANT America to succeed. If America goes down the tubes they can blame our black President. His fault, he would not cave in to our demands. In the newest poll 67% of Americans believe that Obama has a better idea for creating jobs then Congress. Yet, congress blocks everyone of his ideas.
I truly believe Walker is one of the most corrupt politicians Wisconsin has ever had. I have no problem with Republican views. I just do not like how they say our way or noway. They would rather stagnate then cooperate.
Back to reality - I was watching the game last night and one thing people never talk about when comparing Favre to Rogers.
Remember when you would watch Favre games and Driver would catch the ball and just get HAMMERED with a crushing tackle? We would all marvel and how he would get up again?
When was the last time you saw Rogers run someone into a head on tackle. There are no stats for this but it shows you just how good Rogers is .
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
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