So it seems our glorious Governor Scott Mr. Sneaky Pants Walker made yet another bone head blunder when he was the King of Milwaukee County! Seems he went against a county board vote and outsourced 26 county security guards a couple years ago. What could possibility go wrong.
Well - seems a judge said he overstepped his authority and now they MUST hire those guards back AND give all twenty six, two years back pay!
I wonder if those twenty six will count towards the 250,000 new jobs he has promised?
And on that note - "I" will promise 200,000 new jobs . . and I will do absolutely nothing. I'm pretty sure in 4 years the economy will still be ticking and just through natural job growth Wisconsin will have at LEAST 200,000 new jobs! BUT - you can thank me if you wish.
Meanwhile the Vice Governor has been cold calling Chicago brothels asking if they would like to relocate to Wisconsin where the tax's are STILL higher then Illinois but at least we did not raise our tax's.
I see we now have new signs at our borders - under the Wisconsin sign is a wooden sign that says "Open for Business". Nothing like a wooden sign to draw business to Wisconsin. I'm pretty sure that will work.
Walker has also basically BANNED Wind Power. A regulatory reform bill proposed by Walker would close Wisconsin's doors to clean, renewable wind power. That's the LAST we want in Wisconsin, clean, renewable wind power. The bill says that you can not have a wind turban within 1,800 feet from a property line which makes siting a wind turban so difficult that the company's said the will go to Illinois (who are also Open for Business I guess).
SO - no High Speed Rail and no new Wind Farms, strained relationships with Minnesota AND Illinois! AWESOME!!
I mentioned the economy above.
The chart below shows my contributions to our 401K over the past 21 years. When I joined the program I had visions of being a millionaire when I turned 50, seems a lot of people had those visions with the ol' Dollar Cost Averaging system.
Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) takes the form of investing equal monetary amounts regularly and periodically over specific time periods in a particular investment or portfolio. By doing so, more shares are purchased when prices are low and fewer shares are purchased when prices are high. The point of this is to lower the total average cost per share of the investment, giving the investor a lower overall cost for the shares purchased over time.- actually is sort of a bad thing.
While it SORT of works it really does not live up to the hype. It works in that a person will actually SAVE (invest) money but numerous studies of real market performance, models, and theoretical analysis have shown that in addition to having the admitted lower overall returns, DCA does not meaningfully reduce risk when compared to other strategies, including a completely random investment strategy.
I';ve out performed the market doing exactly what people always told me NOT to do - market timing! I learned my lesson back in 2000 with the Tech blow-off. I WANTED to sell - I really really did but the talking heads kept telling me to HOLD HOLD!!
I kept saying NO NO SELL SELL, not from panic but because it was a no brainer - we were crashing!! But then I started to think that MAYBE they knew more then I did . . . I was wrong! I knew more then they did and should have sold! Then in the latest blow off I didn't sell but put everything into bonds. Then through market timing I put everything back into stocks 1 days after we hit bottom. I KNEW we were at the bottom as the talking heads were all doom and gloom saying SELL SELL HOLD HOLD and I was saying BUY BUY!!!
The red line is my contributions and the blue is my worth. I'm happy with my returns!
That's my story!
Tomorrow (maybe) letters from Barbados!
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