Seems the population of Columbus is continuing to climb. According to City-Data dot Com the population of Columbus in 2009 was 5,055, up 12% from 2000. This is an increased rate of growth from previous decades as in the 90's the growth was 10% and in the 80's a mare 1.2%.
This is probably due to people moving past Sun Prairie to Columbus! Of course the engine to the entire area is Madison! If Madison is booming Columbus will grow. Madison is the nucleus while Columbus is the electron and Sun Prairie is the Proton . . .Middleton is a Neutron . . . . Walker is the Moron.
Sadly the government is getting rid of the whole terrorist color thing because Orange is the new Green and nobody cares any more. What will take it's place will be local terrorist warnings on large signs!
When you are driving down the interstate a big sign will flash
------------------------I love what I heard one radio guy say - if you are going to sack Ben Roethlisberger you need to ride him for the entire 8 seconds! I just think that is funny!
January - So far this month we are about 2 degrees below the average high temp and about 0.2 degrees below on the average low. This tells me that we have not had a lot of sun this month - in fact we have had at least trace of snow 20 of the 26 days this month! 13.3 inches of snow so we have been getting a little almost every day (unlike the Est Coast LOL)
Buzz word of the day - I'm learning all about Star Interpolation when blowing photos up to larger size - seems if you do it in 10% increments the results are much better then just BAM - bigger!
Talk to ya later!
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