For anyone looking for my City Council blog go to MelotteforCityCouncil.org.where you can learn about my adult thoughts and who I am! Not just another pretty faced blogger :-)
I've been feeling isolated lately. This whole City Council thing has taken over my brain and made me much more serious then I like to be. Who can I make fun of now! I might upset the wrong people. All of a sudden I'm not me anymore. I have to pretend to be an adult. What fun is that!!!
I think way way to many people lose their childlike fun when they believe they must be an adult. They lose their sense of humor and start thinking that perhaps they need to listen to Frank Sinatra more often, NOT that Frank is bad music or anything. For instance - I would LOVE to go to the Majestic Theater next week to see Lacuna Coil, Avatar and Sevendust but I will guarantee I would probably be the oldest dude there! Maybe I could pretend to be a music Exec or something.
Anyway - a good friend, Grahmman, sent me this and it brightened my day. NOT that I have been dull but more like I have been too . . . adult.
As I feel more and more alone, my phone confidently connects with everyone. As I feel more and more lost, my phone calmly knows how to get anywhere. As I struggle to remember mundane things like the name of that movie with the boat and the guy with the lip, my phone smugly recalls literally everything. As I increasingly lose the nouns, verbs and adjectives that once stood ready to articulate my thoughts, my phone taunts me with its instant access to all the words there have ever been.
There is only one possible conclusion. Slowly, without realizing it, I seem to have outsourced my mind to my phone. And to make matters worse, the damn thing knows it... and it's starting to screw with me.
Several times during the day I feel it buzz in my pocket, alerting me that some vital information has just arrived. Then, when I look, there's nothing there. No email. No text. Nothing. Was the buzz in my mind? I don't think so. I think it's purposeful. I think my phone is mocking me. And it's not just my phone. It's all of them. They are working together, systematically robbing us of our intelligence, our humanity. And then, when we are made stupid and helpless, they will take over.
It's just a matter of time before the next generation of iPhone is equipped with an opposable thumb. Oh yeah, they're smart alright. Evil, world domination smart.
I have to call people and tell them... Oh, great, now I have no bars! Dear God, what is happening?!
Watched Zero Hour last night. Seems good enough so far. A cross between The De Vinci Code, American Treasure and Indiana Johns . . . . . with twists! Even has Nazi's in it.
NOTE 3/7/13 - Zero hour was canceled after 3 episodes.
I'm Monkeybar gyming it today- what does not tear me down will probably kill me! I need more protein. I'll let you know how that goes.
and then there is that comet. YIKES holy crap (oh man the religious right will get me on that one) - 500 people injured and it was NOT the big one.
Sadly since America no longer has a viable Space Program (thanks Obama- NOT that I'm anti Obama on MOST things) the earth has absolutely no protection from large asteroids. Unless the Russians have something up their sleeve (they ARE sneaky you know).
BTW - I watched a wonderful set of shows on The History Channel called "The Ultimate Guide to the Presidents" Very very good. I mean I have heard of these guys but did not have a clue what they did. I mean - how many people know what Martin Van Buren did as President. SEE WHAT I MEAN? I run for City Council and then watch 12 hours of Presidents - WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME!
What I took away was that every President seems to have a big surprise that NO ONE predicted what happens and how he handles the crises defines him. In order to be a great President it's not just good enough to be ready for the job, you also have to have something happen that matches your particular set of skills.
There have been many good Presidents that had the wrong thing happen at the wrong time and his particular set of skills could not handle the situation. What was interesting was the Great Depression allowed by Herbet Hoover (who wanted to do nothing and let it run it's course) and FDR who stepped in and said the first thing we must do is restore confidence in the banking system. Compared to what happened recently when Bush/McCain wanted to let things run their course and Obama stepped in and his first thing to do was restore confidence in Americans Banking system.
Many people hated how he handled the situation but IT WORKED. We had a "Great Recession" instead of a "Great Depression". I call that a victory.
But I digress . . . . . if you get a chance to watch "The Ultimate Guide to the Presidents" it's very bipartisan and interesting.
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