After searching the internet for tracks and prints and sounds I've come to the conclusion that the tracks in my back yard are from Coyotes.
The tracks I posted yesterday look exactly like some I saw on the net. Then yesterday I was shoving my sidewalk and noticed the same tracks in the snow and on the sidewalk was a print which at first I thought was a large dog but going the wrong direction. So searching I find that it looks a LOT like a coyote track.
Then I found this. Coyote sounds which at about the 10 second mark is exactly what DJ and I have woken up to a few times in the summer. And if you REALLY want to have fun. What your cat when you play the sound. Milo FREAKS out. Get's all puffy and is on high alert.
The Columbus City Council is following the US Postal Service in a cost saving and voted to turn off all city street lights on Saturdays. This will save 14% of our street light budget. With that vote passing some of the Antique Stores downtown have said they will no longer be open on Saturdays saving gas money from having to drive in to open their stores. They will now only be open between 5:00pm and 6:00pm every other day.
The Columbus Public Works is considering turning off the water pumps on Saturdays to also save money. In an experiment, water service will be terminated on Saturday to see if anybody notices. The thinking is that if no calls to complain perhaps fresh water is just another needless entitlement. Phone service will also be terminated on Saturday and again, if no one complains . . . . .
And on a serious note - Netflix stock jumped 6% yesterday. The reason is that with no Saturday mail Netflix will save $100 million because people will watch less movies. I guess they believe that Americans will not be able to figure out how to get their movies BEFORE Saturday!
I have a new MelotteforCC blog explaining The Gateway. Check it out.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
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