I was watching the 4 hours PBS (that liberal socialist station) special on Clinton last night until I had two things recording at once and had to miss the Monica days. I believe this whole hatred between the two parties started with Gingrich and Kennith Star.
I grew up in a liberal family and just as I dislike Fords (the car) I disliked the Republican party . . . but in reality, I did not REALLY care either way, it was politics and yawn!
But then I saw the Republican attacks on Clinton which really had nothing to do with actually running the country, their complete hatred for anything Clinton and at that point it seems it was Game On. No more even pretending to work together for a common goal.
sigh - sorry - watching that show I had forgotten all about Clinton and the Bosnia and Herzegovina war in 1994. It was all hearts, puppies and bunny hugs as DJ and I were linking up! Who can care about politics when I'm chasing a hot chick.
The Terrier emailed me yesterday and mentioned we should not drink Columbus water on the 1st Friday of the month. Probably the date when Chlorine is added to the wells or something. She also had a GREAT idea on how to balance the budget.
With millions and millions of out of state dollars coming into the state to help Walker defend his righteousness, why not tax all Super Pac money and contributions. Sure the $12 million out of state "donations" would not completely cover the $143 million short fall from his "balanced" budget which he blames on the people of Wisconsin for not spending more (although he did lower wagers by 10+% to tens of thousands government employees).
On to other news.
I received an email from Fall River - seems a guy there had exactly the same thing happen with the DUC Computer scam artist. Charged $350, hard drive taken and computer dead. He is also in contact with another person in FR that had her computer ripped off.
The Columbus Police called and left a message on DUC's phone. That will put a stop to the madness I'm sure.
I'm ordering the prints for the Hydro Street Brewing Auditorium display this morning. Can't decide if this one makes the cut yet. Lots of negative space with a certain otherness to it.
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.
Have a nice final warm day as America finally cools off to actually be BELOW average for a little while. brrrrrrrrr NOT FAIR!!! Much of Europe is warming up. They have had a hideous winter with over 600 deaths due to the cold.
bundle up . . . . tomorrow and for the next week.
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