Beneath our two decks we use to have weeds and all jungle-like, so after clearing Deck #1 we planted periwinkle which are slowly taking over and blocking weeds. Under Deck #2 I started a no dig bed where I'm basically growing dirt. Sort of a mulch bed and I throw store bought top soil and compost in it layering as I go. After a year the dirt is terrific.
Anyway I came into the house and was standing in the sun room teasing a sleeping Milo and a flash of color streaked by the window. I figured it was a Goldfinch and looked out the next window to catch a glimpse of it.
SWEET - a Baltimore Oriole. I grabbed my camera on the table and through a window and screen snapped one shot before he was gone. Put it on the list!! I decided I would spreadsheet all of the birds I see on our yard. Not that I stare at the yard all day but when I'm at the computer I can see the feeders. Here is the list so far.
Chipping Sparrow
Black cap Chickadee
Cow Bird
Black Bird
Red Wing Black Bird
Downy Woodpecker
American Gold Finch
House Sparrow
Purple Finch
Ring Neck Pheasant
Blue Jay
Mourning Dove
Black-capped Chickadee
White Crowned Sparrow
Baltimore Oriole
Barn Swallow
Nothing earth shaking but it's a list!
Sunday DJ and I were on the back patio and I saw my first Monarch of the year - at first I thought it could be Princess Lalla Hasna, part of the Royal Family of Morocco from the Alaouite dynasty which has been ruling the kingdom of Morocco since the 17th century.
But then I realized she would be much much too small so I settled on a Monarch butterfly of the Nymphalidae family.
The below shows the path of their migration to Wisconsin. Wait for it!! HA - and you thought I could not spell - they add an "e" on the end of end.
I entered my sighting in to the Maps and Sightings website. This shows to sightings as of yesterday for monarchs.
The site has all sorts of first sightings so I'm ON IT!! I have my eye out to see the first Gray Whale in Wisconsin. So far none have been seen.
Recycle Bin - FAIL!!!
Today's big project is to get a new recycle bin! The last one was doing well until the dumper dudes broke a wheel. Never found it and it probably got recycled. But I was making do with a one wheeler (being on a fixed budget and all) and then last week the other wheel came off (sort of like my putting game last night). So I was forced to drag it out and prop it on the curb and all was well.
But Tuesday they dumped it and I looked out and it was laying on the grass. When I went out for the highlight of the day (getting the mail) the wind was howling at 40mph and the bin was nowhere to be found. It had blown away! FAIL!!!! Bins are not suppose to go on walk-a-bouts and I'm sure it got lost. I've waited for a few days but I fear it has left the county by now.
Last night was golf night and I believe I had one of my best long ball hitting nights in my life. Heck, on the 515 yard par 5 I was 30 yards in front of the green after my 2nd stroke! Poor course management on the last hole cost me a stroke or two (I really thought I could hit UNDER that pine) and I missed two easy 3 foot putts which irritated me.
On the 382 yard #3 I used an 9 iron for the 2nd shot as I was only 115 yards away - the drive went 260ish dead center with a cross wind! In fact I had three drives all in the 250 plus. One of the guys I was with (Mike) said "you are just crushing the ball tonight" which caused me to push the next one right as my chest was so large I could not get my arms through.
The hole that really cranked my cranker was #7. One of my personal hardest holes on the front nine. I hit a 220 yard second shot (this was the shot AFTER the Mike comment) onto the green and I was all yippee! As I walk up I see that yea, I'm on the green BUT I CAN'T GET TO THE HOLE!! It's like some weird bean shape and I have to like make a layup putt. WTF!!!
The par 3s killed me - I was too close. Actually #2 killed me. Went left - took a recovery shot from under a tree and then cranked a ball way way to far over the green from 180 and ended up 3 putting!.
OK - I'm getting all adubya-like - no need on a stroke by stroke story of my night! It was just so much fun though - until two of my foursome had a throw down on some rule technicalities. It was about to get all WWF-like.
I started on #3. I'm ahead of everybody and I looked back and I figured this guy is just looking for balls but he is looking for HIS ball. I say you didn't make it across the creek. He says no no it landed on the other side of the sand trap 60 yards from where I thought. hmmmmm I'm pretty sure he didn't make it across the creek.
Same with everyone else but he drops the ball 60 yards ON THE FAIRWAY from where HE thought the ball was lost. Got dicey after that.
ANYWAY I came away from the night feeling totally pumped!
HEY - all you state employees - if you work overtime and get paid time and a half in COMP time but only weekend time (extra 60 cents) when getting paid in cash - that ain't right right?
OH - if you get a chance, watch the Special on the HISTORY Channel called "GETTYSBURG" - it's pretty good. Slightly graphic.
Except they never mention Longstreet - one of my favorite Generals.
Another wonderful thing I've been watching "How the States got Their Shapes" - very entertaining!
I've been listening to the Dan Patrick Sports show - really like it. He reviewed "The Hangover Part 2". He said "geez, I feel like I watched this movie already".
Have a great Thursday!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
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