So maybe I'll do this first.
It is sad that I report that my good friend Kim Bates will be leaving Columbus to find greener pastures (not pastries as the spell checker want me to say) in Green River. This could be the downfall for the East (or is it West) James Gallery. Columbus will be losing a friendly face and one of the first people DJ and I came in contact with when he moved to Cbus.
In Columbus the new Horse & Carriage Festival is next weekend. This use to be called the Columbus Carriage Classic but is under new ownership and perhaps I will be allowed to take photos this year. In the previous two Classic I was told my camera was not wanted and would I please stop taking photos.
Unlike last year this will be free to the public.
That storm that went through on Wednesday had a strange effect on our new light LED lights. Talk about an eerie sound as the wind whistled through lights! creepy!
On Thursday police from Columbus, Fall River and the Dodge County Sheriff's Department set up a containment on the Whitney Building in Columbus because of a disturbance. They made contact with a dude but he fled inside the building locking himself inside.
After a while the police got into the building but it seems the perp went out a back door or something.
They should probably work on that "containment" thing.
HEY - whatever happened to the campaign speech our Mayor had when he talked about repairing streets. Seems the bad streets are STILL bad. Was it all talk and lies?
It's June Dairy Month. I remember when my parents would take me to the bank and I would get free chocolate milk. Those big heavy silver things you would lift up and milk would flow into your little cup.
How about Prince Fielder! WOW - seven of his last 9 home runs have put the Brewers into the lead and 1 has tied the game! So only one of his last 9 homeruns was a "meaningless" bomb!
Jenny has become a coupon guru. She is now buying like $35 in groceries for $6. Yea - real stuff. It's like when I was a bonus whore in online gambling. I was making $1000 a month by investing $100 and just playing the deals and working the system. Jenny collects coupons, organizes them and works the coupon system. It's truly amazing. Like everyone else I said "You can't do that and get real food" but you can!!! Half off sales, 2 for 1 double coupon Wednesdays and so forth. OH - she is working the system.
Congratulations to Josh for getting an interview for the Madison Fire Department. Just GETTING an interview is a big deal!
I went to let Blake out the other night and Mr. Toad was on the window. I think he was watching TV. We have a lot of toads and frogs around this time of year. When I mow the lawn I always have to be alert for jumping toads.
I'm glad my grass has decided not to grow as fast this year!
Caydence celebrated her 2nd birthday yesterday in fine fashion. She and Sydney are doing well. Caydence is always happy (for the most part) and Sydney is still getting used to the world.
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Caydence, |
Anybody see Feingold's speech yesterday in Walkerville? Was that not a speech saying "I will run for Governor if there was an opening" speech? There is no doubt in my mind he has started his campaign.
HEY - people are always talking about all the road kills and how cars are killing wildlife. But no one ever cheers about all the bugs that are being killed on windshields. How many more bugs would we have if not for cars.
Speaking of bugs - sounds like we are in for another bad mosquito year if you live near the Mississippi River. The mosquitoes should be hatching in about 10 days so be ready!
LONDON (Reuters) - The Germans have been voted the world's "least funny nationality" in a global poll, which names Americans the funniest overall and the Spanish the most amusing Europeans, ahead of the Italians and French. YEA BABY!! That is a throw down to be proud of!
Have a great week - good weather coming up. Looking forward to "A Trip to the Duck Pond" next Saturday - lots of photos.
BTW - one of the most fascinating shows I have seen on TV is called "How the States Got their Shapes" on the History Channel. Check it out - really interesting and entertaining.
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