Government - an institution which prevents injustice other than such as it commits itself.
14th century Arab scholar Ibn Khaldun---------------------------------------------------------------
Remind me not to go to anymore Art Fairs at the Alliant Center. A very good photographer/Art Fair friend, Cassius Callender (his work is on the 7th and 2B floors at 1 W Wilson), was driving by the Coliseum/Energy Center and was amazed at all the cars. So he decided to he should stop in to see the throngs as he had skipped the show.
What he did not know was that along with the Art Fair there was the State Girls Wrestling Tournament, Bead-o-rama and a few other things going on. So he paid the $6 fee and came into the mostly empty Energy Center. Yea - when I saw that after three years they were still charging $6 a car I THOUGHT it was for the Art Fair.
My guesstimate was maybe 400 people walked by and perhaps 100 were actually there for the Art Show! It was my very first losing money adventure. But still it was a good time. Cassius told me that he has had 3 events at the Energy Center and none of them are attended very well.
Oh well. People still gave me "real" compliments (as opposed to the courtesy compliments) so my head swelled while my billfold did not.
Walkers war on the impoverished.
I would much rather have a Governor wage war on poverty rather then the impoverished. Perhaps if he just lined up all of those damn poverty people and shot them he could get rid of their blightyness. But then the Middle class would become the lower class! Gotta shoot them also I guess! Only the rich should be able to live a comfortable life.
I mean cutting $41 million in tax breaks for low-income residents? Eliminate food stamps for LEGAL immigrants? Eliminate child care for State Employee? A 19-year program that spends $293K annually to help offset state employees who work downtown (who also pay up to $200 a month just to park their car).
Eliminate the requirement for health insurance plans to provide coverage for contraceptives? Cut $500 million out of Medicaid? Lower the eligibility limits to receive Medicaid (since ALL Medicaid people are just cheating anyway). Cut 50,000 people out of Badger care?
I had always assumed that one of the primary goals for a government was to take care of the people it was governing. But I see that Walkers feels the primary goal of a government is to screw the people and balance the budget.
I'm all for balancing the budget but can you really do it in one year?
There are two party's in America. The republican party which is the financial party. They are very worried about money. And the democratic party. The party that is for the people. Does there have to be one or the other? Can't they two MAYBE compromise? Is that not what this is all about?
Of course both sides think they have the best idea but it seems that while the Democrats, for the most part, (not always) are open for compromise, the Republicans just want to ram things through and clean up the mess later. Everything the Fitzpublicans do is aggressive, in your face and giving you the finger.
I AGREE on a few of Walkers ideas but put a throttle on it dude. But that is not his style is it. This man has to go. When the times comes to recall his ass, remember how you feel! He is betting in 8 months people will have forgotten his rage.
BTW - might have a Letter to the Editor in the Columbus Newspaper next week. Who am I spanking? The Columbus Journal. Sometimes I just gotta say it. I know I was not the only one.
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