By refusing to go along and help the poorest citizens of his state with their Medicaid coverage he is going to let the Federal Government do all the work. Yet, he himself, along with all the Republicans say a State is better at governing then the Federal Government. So when the shit hits the fan he bails out like a little child.
I mean come on, the least costly and most consumer friendly thing about Obamacare. The part where citizens and businesses can compare insurance and features. The one part where people IN Wisconsin could really be helped. NOPE - Walker says he will let the Fed, who in this case will do a poorer job can do it. Walker is a freaking uneducated asshole nutcase.
Two states that were against Obamacare, are doing it "in house" and are doing a very good job. Walker says it will put too much financial strain on Wisconsin. DUDE - IT'S FREE. The Fed will cover the cost of letting us do it for the 1st year. After that it will be covered by charging insurers to participate. There is absolutely no reason to have the fed do this.
Have I mentioned my NBA system? You know I'm a systems guy and for years have noticed that the NBA, like the game itself, is very streaky and somehow I needed to find a way to profit on it.
I think we found it. Elwood and I have been back testing and we started to run it with real $$ this year.
So far 20-0. yup - TWENTY Wins and ZERO losses. Back testing for the last 6 years 1308-414 for a profit of 776 units over 6 years.
The cool thing is I think we can do it in Baseball and Hockey.
The Benzine Blaster.
My neighbor gave me about 5(?) ounces of hops that he grew so I used them in a beer. It's one week from being perfect carbonated (I hope) but I tested one Sunday. GREAT BEER!! Tastes sort of like Hopilisious but more malty which is what I was hoping for.
It's all logical so it's not some weird-o system.
WOW - The earth was lucky last week. A ginormous sun flare, one the the biggest ever recorded blasted from the sun and JUST missed us. I mean this was THE BIG ONE!!
NASA warned -
Britain could face widespread power blackouts and be left without critical communication signals for long periods of time, after the earth is hit by this once-in-a-generation “space storm”.
-----------------------------------------------Holy shit batman - This is like one of my favorite shows Revolution where the earth loses all it's electricity. I'm wearing my aluminum helmet from now on.
My 2nd favorite new show was canceled :-( I'm sad LAST RESORT is no longer.
Seriously - if you have not watched The Dust Bowl by Ken Burns - it's must see TV. WOW. You know I always new what it was and what caused it but Ken Burns really brings it home. I mean WOW!! What a freaking nightmare. PBS!!! Way to go. It's like a horror story nightmare that really happened. I mean having your family sit in the kitchen with wet bags over your everybody's heads to survive.
Well - since no one is at work no one will read this so . . . .
Have a great Thanksgiving.
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