What's up with this whole Vegan thing. I just don't see it. Did you know that 0.5% (meaning less then 1%) of Americans claim to be Vegan. 3% are vegetarian. Of those, 59% are woman, 17.4% are over 55 (they have seen the light and stopped) and 57% have been vegetarian for over 10 years.
Of 57% 10 year people, only 53% have said their health improved.
The question is how many vegetarians are REALLY pescatarians (those that eat fish and seafood).
How many semi-lacto-ovo vegetarians are there???
I'm a bovovegetarian. Or what could be a bi-vegetarian, I go both ways but in reality I'm not a big veggie fan at all. I've tried to make a persona decision not to kill plants. Ahimsa, the law of noninjury to plants.
Being a bovovegetarian is better as studies have shown that a bovovegetarian diet is easier to digest and provides a wider range of nutrients . We are less susceptible to major diseases such as malnutrition, green-colored excrement's and dreams of plants eating us.
I saw a vegetarian once eating a big plate of meatless nachoes made of genetically modified, pesticide-laden cord shipped from Iowa topped with a mysterious cheese product and hydroponically grown artificially ripened tomatoes shipped from Florida. Which was perfectly healthy because she was not eating a cow.
Being a vegetarian carry's many risks! Unless you supplement your diet with Vitamin D, B12 and iron you will become anemic. Vegetarian also miss out on omega-3 fatty acids and oddly there is a much higher incidence of depression among vegetarians.
In a five year study vegetarians are 30% more likely to break a bone and have 5% less bone density.
Becoming a vegetarian will NOT make you healthier! As with anything having a variety in your diet is the best!
I was reading a piece by Doug Moe in the paper today about trying to find a copy of the New Yorker in Madison. Seems there is a large piece about Scott Walker and he could not find a copy.
I know his problem. Since Snappys and Pic-A-Book closed there are very very few places to get magazines. I was looking for Sports Illustrated last year an nobody had it. I loved Snappys and Pic-A-book. Where else could you go and get newspapers from around the world.
BTW - the article in The New Yorker is rather bland. The only big news was when the liberals were presenting 1 million signatures for the Walkers recall (Walker complained it was all being run by out of state money) Walker was on Park Avenue in New York hosting a $5000 a couple dinner to raise money for his Recall campaign!
I mentioned that I was pro-Iraq war. The reason is I feel America SHOULD be the police force of the World. Why? Because we can! Seems the Republicans only want a war when there is something in it for them (oil!). Who cares about saving innocent lives.
Our military is a professional organization. If you join the military you WANT to go in harms way! You WANT to fix things! You WANT to help people that can not help themselves. The problem with Iraq was that the Republicans in charge were buffoons that did not have a clue what they were doing. Colin Powell, who I THOUGHT was going to be in charge, had a clue. Well, they got rid of him because he felt you had to go in with overwhelming force. What an oddball concept for war.
MUCH better to tippy toe in trying to not hurt feelings.
Job numbers - funny the things that are NOT being mentioned! The first thing is that people seem to think that job numbers are the key to the economy. There are plenty of jobs out there. Whole industries are SCREAMING for workers. There is a HUGE lack of welders. One company I read has been trying to fill 30 welder jobs starting at $35,000 a year with a $2,500 signing bonus. Can't find any!
The State Government of Wisconsin can't fill positions. There is a serious lack of engineers! The January jobs report came out and Walker is pounding his chest because 12,000 jobs were added in Wisconsin. He failed to mention that the revised jobs report for last year also came out and instead of adding 900 jobs, LAST YEAR, Wisconsin actually lost 12,500 jobs.
SORRY SORRY - seems I can't mention Rush without insulting him! LOL I guess I must work on my anger management when it comes to Rush!
I'm sorry for going off on that last blog about my good friend Rush Limbaugh. I just get so pent up with how some people base their thoughts and ideals on a drug addicted ignorant clown. Even his faux apology was insulting to normal intelligent people.
Rush is 100% clueless. His apology
“I think it is absolutely absurd that during these very serious political times, we are discussing personal sexual recreational activities before members of Congress.”
Fluke made no reference to her own sexual history.
“I personally do not agree that American citizens should pay for these social activities.”
Fluke was not advocating for public financing of contraceptives, but for a policy mandating “contraception coverage in student health plan.”
“What happened to personal responsibility and accountability? Where do we draw the line?”
Fluke made abundantly clear, coverage of contraceptive services is a matter that affects students who do not use the prescriptions for birth control.
“In my monologue, I posited that it is not our business whatsoever to know what is going on in anyone’s bedroom…”
Actually Limbaugh, not only discussed Ms. Fluke’s sex life — a subject which she had made literally no reference to in her testimony — at length and in graphic detail, he also demanded that she “post the videos online so we can all watch.”
People that listen to Limbaugh live in their own little world that is not really part of reality. Thank God what he does is drive people from conservatism and is helping Obama win the upcoming election.
OH - and that whole argument about Limbaugh being just like Bill Maher (who I also dislike). The difference is that Maher was speaking about one woman. Sarah Palin. Limbaugh was insulting ALL woman! He was attacking any woman who dares to argue publicly for insurance for her recurring charges for birth contro.
Plus - Maher loses endorsers all the time. Seems to me that while conservatives are all whining about Rush not being treated fairly they can do the same to Maher can't they? But wait, MOST people can tell the difference between what a liberal political comedian says and a nationally syndicated conservative political commentator says.
DAMN IT - there I went again! sigh! I'm such a nice person but when I try to listen to him I just want to run my car into the first car I see with a fish on the back bumper.
Have a GREAT GREAT warm weekend!
Friday, March 9, 2012
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