Hey - I had an Obama loan when we refinanced. Seems many people wanted to refinance but if you are upside down (meaning your loan is now more then your house is worth) you would be denied AND you would have to pay the $300 for having your house inspected.
So Obama's Home Affordable Modification Program says that if you feel your house is not 80% yours yet you can get refinance BY THE SAME MORTGAGE HOLDER without all the paper work.
Cool - so along with the extra money we have been getting in our checks for 2 years we saved another $200 a month in mortgage.
On November 24 1960 the first natural gas lines reached Columbus . . . .WHAT??? did everybody have wood stoves to heat their houses? Did Columbus get electricity 10 years later? When do we get DSL???
The Chamber of Commerce now has a weekly blurb explaining they are moving forward and the website is under construction. How long does it take??
I swear - Parliamentary Procedure, when it comes to small clubs and groups is SUCH a tremendous waste of time. Seriously - because of this adherence to rules nothing ever gets done. OR at least everything is slowed by at LEAST 75%.
Plus the fact that in a small group one person is always the leader which goes completely against the whole Parliamentary Procedure thing. Sure there is voting but . . . no one wants to vote against the leader right?
Just get things done - don't sit around and analysis and discuss everything for months. 10 things done with small problems is WAY WAY better then NOTHING done perfectly.
Columbus Family Dental has their new website up with all photos (except 1 . . . .oops - a few) by little ol' me! Let them know how awesome it looks. Here is the email - just say - "WOW - nice website - love the photos". :-)
I can't believe they did not use this one. I think if they had a big one of these hanging in their waiting area kids would love it.
Packers - a lot of people will blame Special Teams for losing (actually for EVERY loss this year) but if that guy had not of grabbed the face mask the dude would have run for 30 more yards anyway. In reality it was the lack of a running game where you can be 3rd and 1 and you don't have a clue how you will get that one more yard.
THAT was the reason the Packers lost.
Yea - the Vikings win and now will win the next 5 games and Brett's will say - I CAN BE GREAT AGAIN and will come back next year.
I heard that if Oregon and Auburn both lose next week the Badgers could be in the National Championship game. Just reporting what I heard.
Steelers linebacker James Harrison has been fined $100,000 this year on illegal hits! This is like some guy still driving with 8 DWI's. Get some balls and crack down!!
Weight Watchers is having a sale. Fruits and Veggies are now FREE OF POINTS on the PointPlus System!!!
As I was driving back from Fort Atkinson I was looking at Christmas Lights of all the towns I went through. Fort Atkinson had really pretty lights and Lake Mills was WONDERFUL, well done Lake Mills. Waterloo just looked hidious - they have zero decorations and those GHASTLY street lights. Those downtown street lights have to be the worst in the world!! Columbus is nice in a simple way.
I'll see Sun Prairies tonight! I should make a little project out of this . . . if I only had more time before it got dark (which is like 4:30 now). I have so so many projects just waiting for when I have time.
Any other towns worth noting?
OK - gotta run - have a great Monday - watch for rain later and a mammoth cold front coming our way tomorrow.
OH - looking for Christmas trees? Found a great place called Millers Christmas Trees they have 10 different trees, Fraser, Balsam, Cannann & Concolor Fir; Scotch, White & Red Pine; Blue, White & Serbian Spruce - highest price is $6 a foot for.
The #1 best Christmas tree (from a vote) is a Fraser Fir and has excellent needle retention along with a nice scent. Fraser fir was named for Scot botanist John Fraser.
Here is a nice site that talks about all the different pines and what to expect.
Top Ten Christmas Trees
Have a great Monday! Remember - Monday is the #1 Heart Attack day - be careful out there.
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