Thursday, October 18, 2012
Running - photos - I wish Romney used MY money - seriously
Posted on 7:00 AM by Unknown
Photos - taking some portraits of horses lately.
Now I know how Velvet Elvis was created. I think I'll make this into a rug.
A different look at a vacation photo
Bridgejumper game - Play Tampa Bay Bucs +2.5 at Home vs. N.O.
I got paid for my Yahoo Fantasy Baseball victory and was $100 richer. SO - since I had pissed off all of my Republican friends I thought I had better get in shape a little.
Actually I had been thinking of this for a while - the other day I had to sprint across a street and bolted. A half minute later when I had crossed BOTH lanes I felt exhilarated. geeez - I used to be fast. In Highschool 10 years ago I ran the 100 yard dash in 11.1 seconds.
ANYWAY - last week I decided I should get up to speed. I didn't want to be a long distance runner but I did want to sprint a little (without hurting something). But they sort of go together.
I purchased some running shoes from Endurance Sports yesterday. Cool place. I COULD have purchased some Nikes or so random inn fitting running shoes from Kohls or something for $70 but felt that "running shoes" should really fit well. So I went to Endurance, the measured me, and took photos of me walking to see where the stress was and all sorts of cool geeky things.
I got some cool shoes that I swear, are the best fitting shoes I have ever worn. PLUS - they taught me how to tie my shoes correctly. Everybody tieing their shoes wrong it seems. When I got home I changed all my shoes and they are actually more comfortable.
I put on my new shoes and went for a jog. I believe I can break the 13 minute mark for a mile!!
This morning I downloaded an app for my phone MapMyRun+GPS Running. YEA BABY!!! half marathon here I come.
I see the media is creating more news with it's "latest" polls. COME ON MAN!!! The polls were taken SIX DAYS AGO. Before the last smack down. Good Grief.
The after debate polls show that Obama had a small victory. Big woop.
One of the best predictors for the race over the entire history of America has been the DOW Jones and stock market as a whole. On March 6th 2009 the DOW hit it's low at 6,626. Two days later I reinvested all of my funds that were sitting in bonds. Today the DOW is a 13,557 and there are more millionaires now then in 2008. Big Business is making record profits.
Then there is this total garbage Obama and Romney are spouting just to kowtow the American public. This whole China thing and bring jobs back to America. BOTH know this is just a bunch of malarkey. If you bring all those jobs back to America a TV will quadruple in price. Your iPhone or new Galaxy will cost $1000. Thousands of Best Buy stores will close. The retail industry will go into tail spin.
The argument is that with so many people working there will be a ton of money so we can afford a $1000 iPhone . . . .ever hear about inflation???
The economy is a very very delicate dance. Oil well leaks, droughts all effect the economy, 911 crushed the economy. Anybody that blames Obama or even Bush on the economy are clueless. Yes - I feel Obama STOPPED a Depression. If there is one thing he has done it's that one thing.
ANYWAY - all these political advertisements - hate them right? LOL Just wait. You will WISH they were back. I remember in 2008 when the election was over and everybody said - FINALLY - no more political ads but then what happened? We would watch a show on TV and SEE THE SAME CAR AD SIX TIMES IN A ROW.
Or spend your night watching all of your favorite shows and see TWO ADs 30 times!!! I remember telling DJ, I wish we had political ads just for some variation.
And if you are a Republican and complain about the ad's IT'S YOUR FAULT. remember that the Conservative Right Wing Supreme Court said anybody can spend any amount of money they want. A business is a person.
In England they have ZERO political ads on their TV. Against the law over there.
And then there are people on Facebook that say they have done there research and believe Romney is a great businessman. WHAT??? Have the ever heard of Bain??? Romney is NOT a businessman. He is a master financial speculator who buys, sells, flip's and strips businesses with leverages buy outs. His money comes from windfalls from gambling in the market.
Look at what he did with Staples!!
Bain loans 5 million seed money for Staples. 1986
Staples goes public amd Bain earns 15 million and the company employees 1000 people. 1989
2012 Staples employs 50,000 full time employees and Bain is making billions - YET - hundred of thousand main street office supply stores are out of business or acquired. A net loss if jobs.
Romney is a speculator and he wants to speculate with your money. HOWEVER - he is very good at it. The question is, do you want him to speculate and risk your money. HELL YEA - I would love that. Probably not good for the poor but as Republicans say - the poor should get jobs so they are not poor. If we stopped giving all the poor people all that free money they would all get jobs and not be poor. Simple. MAKE THE HOMELESS GO HOME - problem solved!
hmmmmmm - I think that extra cup of coffee is working
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