I hope everybody filled out their questionnaires about whether Columbus should build a new high school and try to merge with Fall River. It does seem that Fall River does not want to be assimilated into Cbus, so screw them anyway.
Currently grades K through like 8 or something are being schooled in the original school house built . . . a long time ago. Four years ago the town took a vote to bring electricity to the school for the first time but residences voted "NO" to the $5 one time raise in property taxes.
Superintendent of Schools - DOCTOR Bryan Davis (who also subs as the school nurse) said "we will make do with what we have, computers are just a passing fade anyway, we're waiting for The Cloud".
Columbus Wi Middle school |
However he is worried about the health of Columbus students as their school doubles as the gymnasium. "We really need more room for physical activity" he commented. "Education? Governor Walker has told us that the need to edu-fy our youngins is not as important as we first thought!"
Columbus Girls Basketball team working out |
However - with more and more outsiders entering the city bypassing Sun Prairie and moving to Columbus the City Council feels the need to upgrade.
And thus - The SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE is in the works.
unknown sources say "we can save a good deal of money by building THE SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE, on the very tips of the town but still inside the city limits. By doing this we will not have to have any school buses, busing kids that extra 3 miles. All we will need is a 3 mile long sidewalk from the Travel Center. It's win win.
The city saves on buses, the Travel Center/Arby's with it's quick link to the highway and quick exits will have all sorts of unattended children buying stuff, helping taxes. What could possibly go wrong."
Now if we can just get the people of Columbus to fork out $500 for every $125,000 home (on average, prices may very) we will get that gymnasium we need to compete with Fall River.
In other news - over the weekend we find that our President is the first Gay Muslim born outside of the United States that eats dogs (according to Wikipedia). If it's on Wikipedia it must be true!
Also over the weekend Elwood came up and as we were getting near Columbus we spotted some wild flowers beside the road going 70 miles an hour (we were, not the flowers).
I've searched and can not find what they are - WARNING - DO NOT GO TO wildflowerfarm.com as I get all sorts of RED FLASHING WARNINGS - - -
Here is the flower - four petals.
In our search for flowers NOT going 70pmh we came across where I believe "Lord of the Rings" was filmed.
Anyone know of this flower?
Survivor - WOW - I have never seen a jury that were more adultlike - and what REALLY floored me was Kat's speech. WHAT? Who are you? Tarzan was playing us all along and had a chance but went one step too far. And Colton, wow - you give him a chance to make amends for his . . ass-idness and he screws it up, sadly I think we have not seen the last of him! His mother was brave and smacked him down a little which was nice.
Probts says that this season was a letdown but NEXT season with a HUGE twist is going to be extreme! Three tribe format that will put the breaks on 5 person alliances and with 3 returning players, all of them were evac-ed in their first try!
OH - I gotta say it. Remember what I said on this blog February 16th 2012 when everyone was pissed at the males for trying to "take out all the woman"? I said:
The whole trick is for the woman to band together, titillate the men with their charms and get ONE GUY to switch.
Man vs. Woman, the men are doomed.
Man vs. Woman, the men are doomed.
Yea - High Five ME!! I called it!
I gotta get on this show!!!
Have a great Monday!
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