Aaron is shoveling through yards and yards of paperwork and (side note - 90 calories of Coke is like two gulps! - I need another one). . . . . . and Sandye was waiting for some sort of contractor who it seems keep showing up late or never.
There is no firm opening date but things are moving along at Island Speed. However I believe they receive their Liqueur License tonight, one of only a couple available (I did not know the Holding Cell went belly up, what a shame).
However I did get to look at the plans and talk about the process and frankly - I am totally pumped.
Here is what the place looks like RIGHT NOW!!
As you can see Mr. Frey is trying to sell some carriages and I'm thinking he is trying to talk Aaron into the idea that all seating will be in carriages (I think there is an ordnance stating all bar stools must now be in a carriages) . . . (you would not know that because the city website only gets updated once per decade).
BUT if Aaron holds his ground there will be seating for 49 customers, not 50 (there is an ordnance saying only 49, at 50 you get 25 penalty points (that is a new ordnance and if you would ever go the to City Counsel Meetings you would know that).
In fact on the website it says: Have you got a question for someone "at City Hall"?
Got a suggestion?
Or a complaint?
Well.... here's your chance.... Just click on Request Tracker
to get in touch with someone in city government who can (and will) respond.
Well - I registered over a week ago and am STILL waiting for my secret password so I can ask a question. The website says they pick up brush every other Tuesday - STILL WAITING!!!
Anyway - the small Brewery will be a 1 barrel a day system. Hoping to have 10 taps with one of those taps being an R&D tap with experimental beer.
A barrel is 43 gallons and a gallon is 8 pints so each day 344 pints will be brewed up (about). All sorts of styles(Miller, Miller Lite, Bud Bud Light, Schlitz Light, Steel Reserve, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Natty Light, Gluek, Beer 30).
The actual brewing will be enclosed behind wrought iron gates (as per law). A brewing area can not be open to the public. There will be a bar and some food options but I forgot to ask about that part.
Anyway - something to look forward too in the cold months ahead.
Anyway - something to look forward too in the cold months ahead.
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