This whole mess was caused by the fine officers in blue when they posted on Facebook "There will be some changes made to the parking restrictions near the elementary / middle schools this week. Watch for signs."
After a few comments/complaints there was a smack down from the Facebook police stating "The changes on Dickason Blvd. were presented to the council for approval last month - during a public meeting. Additionally, these restrictions were always in ordinance under Sec. 98-78(b). This is nothing new except that I have ordered signs."
The problem is for the past 20 years residents on the EAST side of Dickason Blvd have been parking on the street and all of a sudden and without warning it is now NO PARKING.
Response was " Every ordinance has the potential to affect every resident." Notice the word "Potential" There is no "Potential" here - it has a very LARGE affect.
"People need to be more proactive and ask questions and attend meetings, etc.Take more of an interest and ownership and responsibility in what happens."
I then proposed that the City Council hire a Town Crier so the citizens would be better informed and I believe at the next meeting I'll bring this up!
I mean very few people have Charter, very few people read the Cbus Journal (I did and never saw the notice) and really - who goes to the website regularly. I signed up on the site to voice a comment but can not as of yet because I have not gotten the magic return email that allows me.
SO - here is the deal - the actual ordnance 98-78 b. (1) states " On the west side of the west lane of South Dickason Boulevard from West School to Fuller and on the north side of the 200 block of Fuller Street except for school buses waiting for or engaged in loading or unloading schoolchildren.
I believe the parking in question is on the EAST side of the EAST lane South Dickason. So any tickets that have been given out (if any, I don't know) are in violation and should be ripped up.
I do not see any changes to the ordinances the website.
Since all of a sudden everyone is looking at ordinances (thanks to the Chief) I did see that ordinance 106-35 states: A beautification committee as defined in ordinance 78.33, shall consist of three citizens appointed by the mayor, subject to confirmation by the council in January of each year, for three year terms, one each three years.
Who are these citizens? I know Main Street Org had a committee but they were not "appointed by the mayor".
Just saying.
ANYWAY - I gotta get to work. It's been a very busy week for me (seriously it has).
OH - saw Who'sIn on TV last night talking about the F&M Bank AND I have heard rumors of a big going away get together at The Kurth Wednesday night for Who'sIn who has one foot in Florida and one in Columbus (meaning I would not want to be in Nashville looking straight up!).
More on that when I hear plans.
Have a Laural and Hardy Weekend!
If you see me pulled over honk and wave
geez - is the new Hurricane hitting Columbus? It's raining at .85 inch per hour at the moment.
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