So cold iguanas fell out of trees!
So the Farmers Alamac says "residents of the upper Midwest and Great Lakes are expected to get the piles of snow that'll be lacking elsewhere."
Of course reading the Old Farmers Alamac for weather is like listening to Fox News for News. It's all pretty random and made up! I kept track on their predictions (Farmers Alamac) for a couple years and it was basically like tossing a coin! However I called up AccuWeather to see what they said and this was the map they presented.
One thing to note is that the BAD winter looks to me to be in the north west while we here in Wisconsin are in the battle zone. Meaning we will be the dividing line between warm and cold which means snow. I don't mind snow, good for the flowers and keeps the frost level shallow. I would rather have snow then cold. Although ask me after 3 months of every other day snow and I will have a different answer.
However - no Snowmageddon this year.
Right now we are having the last serious heat of 2010 and it saddens me. I didn't even know it got to 90 yesterday - I thought it was a beautiful day. The wind really cooled things down.
A few days of heat (tomorrow hotter then today actually)- and cold front which is starting to take shape out west and will bring us rain tomorrow night and a cool down with for the weekend into the very low 70's
Polyoxybenzylmethylenglycolanhydride - you know you can actually pronounce this. This is the worlds first synthetic plastic. I mention this only because I was reading about the 10 ten accidental discoveries! We all know about Silly Putty and the Micro Wave but then there is Saccharin. Two chemists in 1879 forgot to wash their hands after some experiments and ate some food. I would think this would typically be something a chemists would not do but these two dudes licked their fingers and tasted something oddly sweet.
The Slinky was an accident and Play-Doh was a cleaning product! Super Glue was an accident along with Teflon. Even the Pacemaker for hearts was an accident. Velcro was invented by a dog. Well, it was a dog that kept getting burrs on himself and some guy was so tired of picking them off is dog he got out a microscope and saw the little hooks.
I made a comment about TV and that the only shows I really liked were The Office, Parks and Recreation (which REALLY reminds of me Columbus) but I had forgotten about Modern Family. I love that show.
Big Brother is boring this season. People say how can you waste your time watching BB but then they watch Survivor. Basically the same show except one is outside and one is inside.
I can not believe Top Chef won best Reality show! I have to think it was just a "we don't want Amazing Race to win AGAIN" vote. What happened to Survivor!!! One of the best seasons ever thin thought - not even nominated!
We watched the movie "Taking Woodstock" A twentysomething man finds his life forever changed in the summer of 1969 when he offers up his parents' motel in the Catskills as a home base for Woodstock organizers and helps the show go on by donating an all-important music festival permit.
It was one of those - "it could have been better" movies and actually for me they kept touching plot lines I would RATHER see. More Max Yasger, more actual Woodstock stories. The acting was great but it felt like a movie from a book with so many "why's" and unexplained plot lines I wanted more of.
Once AGAIN - Netflix - I should have listened! The previews were the best part! One of the best things about Netflix is how good they are at predicting movies. It says I'll LOVE "Inception" and "Salt".
However in Taking Woodstock - there were scenes when the kid takes acid (they could have left that part out) and trips were right on with what you actually "see" when under the influence. Been there, done that in the 70's. Remember, back then acid was a pretty clean drug. No real side effects and no downside (when taken in moderation). I'm always surprised when I talk to another adult and find out just how many, when younger, got high in the 70's AND lived! All of those predictions were false. They got high, took acid and now have families and homes with great children.
Avatar in 3D. I've never seen a 3D movie and after seeing Avatar on my big screen at home I was disappointed! It was so AMAZING on a BIG screen. I want to see this in 3D. I might have to figure out a way to see this this week as it might be my last chance ever.
That's it - have a Monday.
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