As a coworker noted - the air this morning seemed . . used! Not fresh, sort of like we were breathing used air - LIKE FROM BY DOGS MOUTH!!!
There was an article in the paper talking about mosquitoes and that this is NOT the worst but because they have been around so long this year it just seems bad.
yea - OK
So I get this email from adubya this morning.
I went to Door Creek to chip last night and managed about 3 minutes before I was lifted up and carried away by a thick cloud of mosquitoes. I managed to kill several million and escape, running with my arms windmilling about my head to the clubhouse.
The good news is that I golf at Door Creek tomorrow night, we should have rain in the afternoon and by tee-off the dew point will be near 77. 77 is the highest dew point this year so far. The all time record for Madison was 83. The temp was 101 on that July day in 1995. I remember it exactly as I was riding GRABBAAWR on a 76 mile bike ride that day. The heat index was 125 and people were passing out on their bikes. One woman had a thermometer near her wheels and it was reading 137 near the road. We would get up a 4:00 and have 20 miles in before sunrise. I can remember vividly the line of hundreds of bikes as the sun rose that morning.
Not a glamor shot but after we took Blake in to have his ears checked we went to Chedder Heads and got a pizza. DJ said "you should take a picture for the blog!" So I did. I'll have to do a better job next time but I was hungry!
Not bad for $10. 12 inch thin crust with onions, fresh mushrooms, pepperoni and roasted red peppers on a crispy garlicky crust! FOR TEN DOLLARS!!! Chedder Heads Pizza 920-623-9100
A young guy working his butt off in Columbus trying to make a go of it. I asked how it was going and he said he just made rent two months ago and last month was better so he is gaining momentum (or should I say market share?).
This could be described as a Midwest style pizza except that style has a tavern-cut(squares) as opposed to the slices!
Anyway - we took Blake in to have his hearing checked. Well, not exactly - more having his ears checked to see if Milo or Sierra were putting crap in his ears as he slept. He is pretty deaf and we figure it's old age but . . you never know! Hate to have him pass away and find all sorts of hair ties and jingle balls fall out of his ears! He is 13 and still in good shape, still runs around and does dog things. Sleeps a lot but has energy when awake.
The Fighting Finches - Chapter #3
We might be going to the Wisconsin State Fair Sunday. My first time back since The Cream Puff Indecent - OH - I'll have my camera and I'll be looking for those guys from 40 years ago!!! I have a lot of years of anguish which needs to be taken care of!
I might try a deep fried Twinkie.
You all have had funnel cakes haven't you? hmmmmmm funnel cakes! Yea - good . . unless you have stopped on a 70 mile bike ride - wolfed down an entire funnel cake and then tried to continue the last 34 miles!! BARF!!!
Have to go - have a sweaty day! And keep saying I SMILE WHEN I SWEAT! you will be amazed at the responses!!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
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