Came in 2nd in the Amber contest - I expected to not win since my Amber was unique with a cinnamon flavor from what I believe was the Crystal hops which is viewed as the most pungent of the new triploid Hallertau family of hops. I like it but . . .it's an Amber zzzzzzzzzz
Finally watched the 2 hour premier of season 3 of Hell On Wheels - WOW - what a powerful well written show. In my top 4 of best shoes on TV. If you have not watched it Netflix has the 1st two seasons.
Jenny took this shot of Sydney working on her iPad. I guess Jen got some sunglasses from tag and grab and baby Sid wanted to wear some.
WOW - I feel so small all of a sudden.
Disc Golf’s Popularity Exploding, For Better For Worse
Very good video on how Disc Golf is exploding across the country
Very good video on how Disc Golf is exploding across the country
This is an awesome video on air traffic control - 24 hours of planes
This is an awesome video on air traffic control - 24 hours of planes
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